Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Walk2 mkn wind!! haha ^_^

Bingo!! Ketemu lagi kita...
lama juga x update blog nie...
just busy with hot & cold stuff wa.. hahala
exam td  condemn la..
sapa suru study last minute...
tp ok wa.. mghafal brabis..
bla hbs ja exam, masuk tlinga kanan, kuar tlinga kiri..
hahahha.. trus lups ingatan... bagus bgus,, ho ho ho!!

last week we r having a family trip to
Taman Pertanian Sbh at Tenom..
Quite interesting la dat place..
ecspecially at the hybrid orchid garden &
of course the model garden..
Wow.. such in paradise wa..

Here i hv put some of the evidence..
aik TINGU TINGU ... hahaha
best ba.. nnt kita pgi sma2 ba lau da masa..
set ja.. sy ON ja... wuisehh.. hahahha

Click! Snap! Boom!

Wat kind of fruit is this...? ^_^
LoL..... ;-)

Paradise 3D~ with my sista...

 Hahahaha.. Lots lg pic ba tp mls mo upload nehh..
 Owrait... Have a nice day ya,.,,